ISSN 2782-2435 (Print),
ISSN 2782-2621 (Online)
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Search results: 56 articles
Search string: strategic thinking rules
Authors Title Volume Issue Year
1 Ксендзовский В. М. Conceptual Provisions for Innovative Information Modelling in Construction 4 3 2024
2 Герелишин Р. И. Socio-Economic Strategizing of Resource Regions: Conceptual Modeling Stages 4 3 2024
3 Калинин В. С. Strategic Thinking Rules in Innovation Clusters Strategizing Methodology 4 3 2024
4 Морозов А. А. , Тищенко Е. Б, Славянцев М. В. Strategizing Fund Raising in Data Economy 4 3 2024
5 Кудревич А. Ю. Strategy for Developing Regional Auto-Tourism 4 3 2024
6 Дядик В. В. Groundwork for Strategizing Urban Competitiveness 4 2 2024
7 Шабаева С.В., Шабаев А.И. Industrial Implementation of Digital Platforms: Strategizing Risks 4 2 2024
8 Дубоделов А. В. Strategic Threats to Labor Performance in the Construction Industry 4 2 2024
9 Трифонов Н. О. , Хворостяная А. С. Strategizing Customers’ Emotional Response to Brands 4 2 2024
10 Леухова М. Г., Стародубцева А. К. , Алабина Т. А. Training and Development of Strategic Talents in Kuzbass 4 2 2024
11 Алимурадов М. К., Чхотуа И. З. Development of Russian Research School of Strategy in Retrospect 4 1 2024
12 Власюк Л. И. Economic and Mathematical Support for Regional and Sectoral Strategizing 4 1 2024
13 Белецкий А. А. , Пахомов В. А. Experience Economy as a Strategic Vector of Tourism Development in the Primorye Region 4 1 2024
14 Морозова Ю. А. , Бошкович Р., Бошкович Р. Strategic Planning in Medical Organizations: Developing a Corporate Strategy 4 1 2024
15 Хворостяная А. С. Transforming the Strategic Communications System in the Light Industry and Fashion 4 1 2024
16 Середюк И. В. , Корчагина И. В. Agglomeration as a Strategic Track for the Regional Development: Prospects and Limitations 3 4 2023
17 Петрова П. М. Global Strategic Trends Affecting the Regional Real Estate Market of Russia 3 4 2023
18 Калинин В. С. Prospects of Youth Communication Communities in Strategic Student Communication 3 4 2023
19 Шацкая И. В. Strategic Management in Social Media Marketing 3 4 2023
20 Савкин П. А. , Корчагина И. В. Strategic Priorities for the Production of Industrial Equipment in the New Economic Conditions 3 3 2023
21 Глазьев С. Ю. Supplementing the System of Strategic Planning with Funding Sources 3 3 2023
22 Назаренко Т. С., Новикова И. В. Digital Transformation of Public Administration as a Strategic Public Value 3 2 2023
23 Юматов К. В. , Метелица В. А. , Черданцев С. А. Strategizing the Development of Tourism and Hospitality Industry in the Guryevsk Area of the Kemerovo Region 3 2 2023
24 Чхотуа И. З., Мурадов А. А. Tourism Development in Modern Conditions: Global and National Trends 3 2 2023
25 Федулова Е. А., Стародубцева А. К. , Вервейн Д. Р. Digital Development of Financial Ecosystems: Strategic Issues 3 1 2023
26 Хворостяная А. С. Strategic Brand Transformation in Consumer Goods Industry and Fashion 3 1 2023
27 Панькова А. Ю. , Корчагина И. В. Strategizing the System of School Catering in the Context of Digitalization 3 1 2023
28 Садовничая А. В. , Чхотуа И. З. Tourism, Industrial Exhibitions, and Trade Fairs in the Russian Far East: Strategic Assessment of the Potential for Development 3 1 2023
29 Ефанов В. А. Digital Transformation Strategy for the Russian Television and Radiobroadcasting Network 2 4 2022
30 Кочемасова Е. Ю. , Кочемасов Ю. В. Feasibility and Effectiveness Assessment of Strategies and National Projects in the Context of Global Transformations 2 4 2022
31 Цивилева А. Е., Голубев С. С. Methodology of Strategic Management of Coal Mining Enterprises in an Emergency Period 2 4 2022
32 Леухова М. Г., Грицкевич Т. И. Regional Identity in Strategy 2 4 2022
33 Корецкий А. С. Strategic Priority Directions of Library Development: The Russian State Library 2 4 2022
34 Шацкая И. В. Strategizing the Digital Transformation of Higher Education 2 4 2022
35 Просеков А. Ю., Грицкевич Т. И., Леухова М. Г. Cognitive and Regional Identity as a Basis for Strategizing Innovative Academic Activities of Higher Education 2 3 2022
36 Власюк Л. И. Location of an Industrial Enterprise: Strategic Analysis 2 3 2022
37 Гаврилина Д. Н., Элькин М. Ф. Strategic Development of Venture Funds in Russia 2 3 2022
38 Гаврилюк А. В. Strategic Opportunities for the Development of Innovative Ecosystem 2 3 2022
39 Ван Ю., Новикова И. В. Strategic Planning of China’s Economic Development 2 3 2022
40 Чхотуа И. З. Strategizing of Russian Far East Tourism 2 3 2022
41 Хворостяная А. С., Равилов Р. Х. Strategizing Sports Industry Enterprises 2 3 2022
42 Алимурадов М. К. Elements and Stages of Regional Financial Strategies Development 2 2 2022
43 Козин Е. Г. , Спиркин А. В. , Субботин Ю. А. Saint Petersburg Metro: Strategizing Methodology in Practice 2 2 2022
44 Кочербаева А. А. , Калпаева З. А. Strategic Analysis of the Construction Industry in Kyrgyzstan 2 2 2022
45 Гаврилюк А. В. Strategy of Transition to a New Level of Technological Development of the Economy 2 2 2022
46 Леухова М. Г., Корчагина И. В. Strategic Analysis of the Development Potential of the Entrepreneurial University of Kuzbas 2 1 2022
47 Власюк Л. И., Чхотуа И. З., Хворостяная А. С. Strategic Opportunities of Libraries in the Era of Digitalization and Experience Economy 2 1 2022
48 Морозова Ю. А. Strategic priorities for regional health development in the context of world and industry trends 2 1 2022
49 Шацкая И. В. Strategizing and Lifelong Education Development 2 1 2022
50 Кочербаева А. А. , Самайбекова З. К. The Role of Strategic Management in Organization Development 2 1 2022
51 Калинский О. И., Исаева Н. А. Diagnosing the Business Development during Strategizing 1 2 2021
52 Шамахов В. Fifteen-year strategy and fifty-year perspective in the nine-volume Kuzbass Strategy Library 1 2 2021
53 Алимурадов М. К. Interregional Competition for Strategic Economic Factors 1 2 2021
54 Чхотуа И. З., Власюк Л. И. Strategic Analysis of the Region's Competitive Advantages in the Context of Industrial Tourism Development 1 2 2021
55 Новикова И. В. Strategizing of the Human Resources Development: Main Elements and Stages 1 1 2021
56 Сапир Ж. The Strategic Imperative and the Paradigm Shift in Economics 1 1 2021