a Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
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Received 16 March, 2021 |
Accepted in revised form 17 May, 2021 |
Published 28 June, 2021
Introduction. The welfare of the state depends on the efficient use of labor resources. The time gap between the economy’s need for special personnel and their professional training and adaptation reduces their efficiency and requires a methodologically precisely developed tool, i.e. a strategy. This is especially relevant due to the increasing uncertainty in the economic and social development, the emergence of new opportunities and threats associated with digitalization, robotization, globalization and world epidemics, etc. Study objects and methods. The present research was based on the theory of strategy and methodology of strategizing developed by Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr.Sci(Econ.), professor V.L. Kvint. The ultimate goal of implementing any strategy (global, national, regional, sectoral, corporate, and personal) according to the methodology of V.L. Kvint is to improve the quality and standard of human life. Results and discussion. The main elements are: strategic opportunities for the development of labor resources, strategic interests, strategic priorities for the development of labor resources, competitive advantages of labor resources, mission of development of labor resources, vision of development of labor resources, efficiency of development of labor resources. There are seven main stages. The preliminary (organizational) stage includes the emergence of an idea about the need for a strategy, the choice of a strategy methodology and a team of strategists. The first step involves identifying strategic opportunities based on identifying trends. The second stage determines interests and strategic priorities, while the third stage defines competitive advantages. The fourth stage features the mission of human resources development. The fifth stage is aimed at the vision of the development of labor resources, the sixth concentrates on efficiency, and the seventh is the implementation of the strategy. Conclusion. Effective and efficient strategizing of the development of labor resources requires strict adherence to the methodology and consistent passage of all the necessary stages.
strategizing of labor resources,
strategic opportunities,
labor resources,
strategic interests,
strategic priorities,
competitive advantages
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How to quote?
Novikova IV. Strategizing of the Human Resources Development: Main Elements and Stages. Strategizing:
Theory and Practice. 2021;1(1):57–65. (In Russ.)