a Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
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Received 23 April, 2022 |
Accepted in revised form 11 May, 2022 |
Published 23 June, 2022
Introduction. The strategy for the transition to a new level of technological development of the economy is aimed at accelerating innovations and increasing competitiveness. New opportunities for technological development form a favorable environment that promotes economic growth by introducing energy-efficient and resource-saving industrial technologies, technical re-equipment, and production modernization. Study objects and methods. The present research featured the technological development of the economy. The study relied on the theory and methodology of the strategizing developed by Professor V.L. Kvint. The methods included generalization, synthesis, criteria analysis, and causal method. Results and discussion. The article describes the chronological sequence of evolutionary development of technologies while focusing on how scientific and technical progress boosted the dynamics of production changes. Effective strategic planning tools guarantee prompt management decisions aimed at solving various strategic production and non-productive tasks. Technological road maps are an especially useful tool: they describe both the main result of innovation and the process of long-term planning, combined with the specifics of the choice, transfer, introduction, and industrial development of technologies. Conclusion. The analysis performed made it possible to identify and substantiate the strategic capabilities and priorities of the technological development of Russian economy. The obtained results can help to determine the strategic tasks of bringing domestic economy to a new level of technological development.
strategic management,
technological changes,
technological roadmaps,
technology transfer,
economic development
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How to quote?
Gavrilyuk AV. Strategy of Transition to a New Level of Technological Development
of the Economy. Strategizing: Theory and Practice. 2022;2(2):253–269. (In Russ.) https://doi.