ISSN 2782-2435 (Print),
ISSN 2782-2621 (Online)

Saint Petersburg Metro: Strategizing Methodology in Practice

Sustainable socio-economic development of St. Petersburg needs a new transport system that would match the current innovative community-oriented economy in competitive high-quality transport services. The issue is of particular relevance in the unstable conditions of economy and foreign policy. The main task of the St. Petersburg Metro is to ensure the transport connection in areas with heavy passenger flows between peripheral areas and the city center. The sustainable development of the St. Petersburg Metro can improve the urban transport system and the socio-economic situation in the entire region. The article describes the practical application of the theory of strategizing developed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor V.L. Kvint. It introduces the sequence of actions in the process of developing long-term strategy for the St. Petersburg Metro. The authors studied previously implemented strategies and performed an OTSW analysis. The proposed methodological approaches made it possible to formulate a mission and a vision, substantiate the most important strategic priorities, and identify competitive advantages, as well as to determine strategic goals, objectives, and indicators that correspond with the planning horizon through 2035.
strategy, strategizing methodology, strategic priorities, strategic goals, competitive advantages, values, strategic interests
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How to quote?
Kozin EG, Spirkin AV, Subbotin YuA. Saint Petersburg Metro: Strategizing Methodology in Practice. Strategizing: Theory and Practice. 2022;2(2):163–173. (In Russ.) 163-173
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