a Academy of Military Sciences, Moscow, Russia
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Received 10 October, 2024 |
Accepted in revised form 05 December, 2024 |
Published 14 February, 2025
Modern macroeconomic realities have made it necessary to adjustment the methodological tools used in the development of hydrocarbon reserves, state regulation of pricing for oil and gas products in the domestic market, ensure the stability of legal and tax regimes, the creation of supportive institutional and infrastructure conditions. To develop proposals for improving the methodological tool for the integrated development of hydrocarbon reserves, to highlight the directions for the strategic development of the oil and gas complex at the current stage of economic relations. The object of scientific research is considered from the standpoint of system-functional and comprehensive approaches. Adjustment of methodological tools is the direction of strategic development of the oil and gas complex of Russia, is associated with ensuring economic stability in conditions of external challenges, national security and energy sustainability, achieving technological sovereignty and reaching faster economic growth rates. In the context of external challenges, the priorities of the state energy policy are the uninterrupted functioning of the sectors of the fuel and energy complex, the promotion of the economic and technological development of oil and gas enterprises, the systematic achievement of the targets laid down in the programs and documents of strategic development.
state regulation,
oil and gas complex,
hydrocarbon reserves,
methodological tools,
strategic development,
Sixth technological paradigm,
technological sovereignty,
advanced development,
national security,
energy sustainability
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How to quote?
Trofimov SE. Strategic Directions for Improving Methodological Tools in Oil and Gas Field Development. Strategizing: Theory and Practice. 2025;5(1):19–37. (In Russ.)