The article deals with issues related to the development of a strategy for the location of an industrial enterprise. The location strategy is part of the corporate strategy, which defines its values and interests. A corporate location strategy is often linked to an entry strategy. The article introduces a strategic analysis of the factors that determine the location of an industrial enterprise, depending on the evaluation criteria and the industry specifics. The study is based on the theory of strategy and the methodology of strategizing developed by Professor V.L. Kvint. This approach helps to choose the location of an industrial enterprise, consider its global, national, and sectoral long-term development, and take into account its external and internal environment. The strategic analysis of placement factors and alternative options was based on an OTSW-analysis and special decision-making methods. The paper also reviews the relevance of location factors from the first theoretical works to modern empirical studies based on surveys of company managers and econometric analyses. The author designed a general algorithm for developing a strategy for locating an industrial enterprise. The theory of strategy and methodology of strategizing made it possible to neutralize the negative consequences of subjective decisions that still interfere with the location strategizing.Keywords
strategy, strategic analysis, placement of an industrial enterprise, enterprise strategy, placement factors, OTSW analysis, location of the enterpriseREFERENCES
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