ISSN 2782-2435 (Print),
ISSN 2782-2621 (Online)

Strategic Opportunities for the Development of Innovative Ecosystem

The innovation ecosystem is a catalyst for favorable conditions that accelerate the high-tech development. This paper features the strategic opportunities for the development of an innovation ecosystem that improves the efficiency of the innovation process. The article defines its structural elements and boundaries, which are unstable because of the everchanging number of participants and tasks. The object of the study is an innovation ecosystem that provides the formation and development of a favorable environment for improving the efficiency of the implementation of the innovation process. The methodological basis included the theory of strategy and methodology of strategizing developed by Professor V.L. Kvint, as well as various methods of analysis and synthesis of economic data, deduction and induction, the causal method, comparative analysis, and a systematic approach. The research revealed some of the features of an innovation ecosystem in the context of increased entrepreneurial activity and a high concentration of innovation centers. The development of innovative ecosystems should be uninterrupted as they transform due to the changing configuration of the fractal interaction between various subjects. A valuable innovation ecosystem requires coordinated resource flows and activities, as well as a set of interaction rules for its heterogeneous members. The interaction between the participants of the innovation ecosystem depends on the number of entities involved, the dynamics of the formation of the internal environment, the needs and preferences of customers, the specifics of legal regulation, the conditions for standardization and certification, the number of exchange transactions between the inventor and the recipient, and the size of production chains. The analysis made it possible to identify strategic opportunities for the formation and development of an innovation ecosystem, as well as to reveal the role of its participants in solving strategic tasks of increasing competitive power and developing new high-tech products.
strategic opportunities, resources, innovations, innovation ecosystem, innovative development of the economy
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How to quote?
Gavrilyuk AV. Strategic Opportunities for the Development of Innovative Ecosystem. Strategizing: Theory and Practice. 2022;2(3):443–453. (In Russ.)
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