1 |
Никоноров С. М., Кутейникова А. Д. , Ефрем Р. М. |
Strategizing Sustainable Construction in Moscow and Moscow Region
5 |
1 |
2025 |
2 |
Алимурадов М. К., Мидов А. З. |
Creative Industry in Strategic Economic Priorities
4 |
4 |
2024 |
3 |
Середюк И. В. |
Open Diffuse Regional Agglomerations: Strategic Potential and Strategizing
4 |
4 |
2024 |
4 |
Солнцев А. К. |
Strategizing Knowledge Potential in Knowledge-Intensive Economy
4 |
4 |
2024 |
5 |
Морозов А. А. , Тищенко Е. Б, Славянцев М. В. |
Strategizing Fund Raising in Data Economy
4 |
3 |
2024 |
6 |
Тищенко Е. Б, Славянцев М. В. , Войтенко И. Р. |
Commercial Strategizing of Innovations in Russia’s as Part of Data Economy
4 |
2 |
2024 |
7 |
Белецкий А. А. , Пахомов В. А. |
Experience Economy as a Strategic Vector of Tourism Development in the Primorye Region
4 |
1 |
2024 |
8 |
Аганбегян А. Г. |
Foreign Experience in Strategizing Accelerated Socio-Economic Development and Options for Its Application in Russia
4 |
1 |
2024 |
9 |
Новикова И. В., Се К. |
National Strategic Planning for the Digital Economy: a Competitive Analysis on material of China and Russia
3 |
3 |
2023 |
10 |
Никоноров С. М., Рябова Е. С. |
Economic and Legal Mechanisms of Economic Decarbonization in Russia: Strategic Guidelines
3 |
1 |
2023 |
11 |
Журавлев Д. М., Чаадаев В. К. |
Modeling the Processes of a Complex Socio-Economic System and Strategic Development Priorities
3 |
1 |
2023 |
12 |
Евдокимов Д. С. |
Strategic Analysis of International Trade Conflicts: Leading Economies and Their IT Industries
2 |
4 |
2022 |
13 |
Гаврилюк А. В. |
Strategic Opportunities for the Development of Innovative Ecosystem
2 |
3 |
2022 |
14 |
Быстров А. В. , Радайкин А. Г. |
Strategic Potential of Industrial Metaverses in the Conditions of Mobilization Economy
2 |
3 |
2022 |
15 |
Чхотуа И. З. |
Strategizing of Russian Far East Tourism
2 |
3 |
2022 |
16 |
Власюк Л. И., Чхотуа И. З., Хворостяная А. С. |
Strategic Opportunities of Libraries in the Era of Digitalization and Experience Economy
2 |
1 |
2022 |
17 |
Вартанов С. А. |
A Strategic Approach to Russian Media System Analysis: Defining Mission, Values and Priorities
1 |
2 |
2021 |
18 |
Евдокимов Д. С., Кравченко Д. С. |
Automated Control Systems as a Strategic Tool for Decision Making and Forecasting in a tate-Planned Economy
1 |
2 |
2021 |
19 |
Журавлев Д. М. |
Economic Systems and Digital Transformation in the Kemerovo region: A Strategic Study of Conditions and Readiness Assessment
1 |
1 |
2021 |
20 |
Растворцева С. Н., Панина Е. В. |
Strategic Priorities for the Development of Social Capital in the Regions of Russia
1 |
1 |
2021 |