ISSN 2782-2435 (Print),
ISSN 2782-2621 (Online)

Strategic Potential of Industrial Metaverses in the Conditions of Mobilization Economy

Crucial industries of the Russian Federation require new organizational and economic development forms. The present article introduces an innovative form of interaction between economic entities: it is crossindustrial and metaverse-based. The article also features a detailed analysis of the strategic potential of industrial metaverses that can boost the development of important domestic industries in the conditions of economic mobilization. The authors focused on the factors that predetermine the need to create such industrial metaverses.
metaverse, ecosystem, mobilization economy, strategy, industry
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How to quote?
Bystrov AV, Radaykin AG. Strategic Potential of Industrial Metaverses in the Conditions of Mobilization Economy. Strategizing: Theory and Practice. 2022;2(3):377–389. (In Russ.)
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