ISSN 2782-2435 (Print),
ISSN 2782-2621 (Online)
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Search results: 29 articles
Search string: countries of East and South-East Asia
Authors Title Volume Issue Year
1 Яковлев А. А. , Малютина О. М. , Багамаева Д. К. Strategizing Russia’s Trade with Some Countries in East and South-East Asia 4 3 2024
2 Тищенко Е. Б, Славянцев М. В. , Войтенко И. Р. Commercial Strategizing of Innovations in Russia’s as Part of Data Economy 4 2 2024
3 Трифонов Н. О. , Хворостяная А. С. Strategizing Customers’ Emotional Response to Brands 4 2 2024
4 Власюк Л. И. Economic and Mathematical Support for Regional and Sectoral Strategizing 4 1 2024
5 Тищенко Е. Б, Славянцев М. В. Strategic Coordination of BRICS Construction Complex under Data Economy Challenge 4 1 2024
6 Хворостяная А. С. Transforming the Strategic Communications System in the Light Industry and Fashion 4 1 2024
7 Тищенко Е. Б, Славянцев М. В. Strategizing the Interoperability between Scientific Thought Centers in Russia and Africa 3 4 2023
8 Спиридонов А. А. , Фадеев А. М., Фадеев А. М. Strategic Priorities for Unmanned Technologies in Energy Projects in the Russian Arctic 3 3 2023
9 Макаров В. Л. , Бахтизин А. Р. , Сушко Е. Д. The national strategic power of countries, international trade and the economic success of countries in an unstable world 3 3 2023
10 Тищенко Е. Б, Славянцев М. В. Cross-Country Coordination of Reindustrialization: Cooperation Potential between Russia and Egypt 3 2 2023
11 Вартанов С. А., Хворостяная А. С. Personal Brand Strategizing in Digital Mediatization: Game-Theoretic and Behavioral Approaches 3 2 2023
12 Хворостяная А. С. Strategic Brand Transformation in Consumer Goods Industry and Fashion 3 1 2023
13 Новицкая А. М. , Алимурадов М. К. Strategic Sources of Financing Company Operations 3 1 2023
14 Шмелева Н. В. Strategizing the Development Potential of the Russian Arctic: Import Phase-Out 3 1 2023
15 Садовничая А. В. , Чхотуа И. З. Tourism, Industrial Exhibitions, and Trade Fairs in the Russian Far East: Strategic Assessment of the Potential for Development 3 1 2023
16 Кочемасова Е. Ю. , Кочемасов Ю. В. Feasibility and Effectiveness Assessment of Strategies and National Projects in the Context of Global Transformations 2 4 2022
17 Фадеев А. М. Strategy for Improving Procurement Efficiency in the Oil and Gas Complex: Foreign Experience 2 4 2022
18 Просеков А. Ю., Грицкевич Т. И., Леухова М. Г. Cognitive and Regional Identity as a Basis for Strategizing Innovative Academic Activities of Higher Education 2 3 2022
19 Мирзиёева C. Ш. Methodology of Regional Strategising in Central Asia 2 3 2022
20 Чхотуа И. З. Strategizing of Russian Far East Tourism 2 3 2022
21 Хворостяная А. С., Равилов Р. Х. Strategizing Sports Industry Enterprises 2 3 2022
22 Ахметова И. Г. , Валеева Ю. С. Research and Technology Advancement of the Tatarstan Republic: Strategy Development 2 2 2022
23 Юматов К. В. , Момот В. Н. , Доровских И. Н. , Гацук Н. Б. Mezhdurechensk as a Tourism and Recreation Cluster of Prospective Development 2 1 2022
24 Сасаев Н. И. Strategic Opportunities of the Russian Far East Gas Industry Development: Gasification, Gas Processing and Gas-Chemistry 2 1 2022
25 Морозова Ю. А. Strategic priorities for regional health development in the context of world and industry trends 2 1 2022
26 Евдокимов Д. С., Кравченко Д. С. Automated Control Systems as a Strategic Tool for Decision Making and Forecasting in a tate-Planned Economy 1 2 2021
27 Сасаев Н. И. Strategizing of the Russian Far East Gas Industry: Systematization of Main Interests 1 2 2021
28 Сасаев Н. И. Kuzbass Trade and Transport Hub: Strategic Relevance for Sectoral and Regional Development 1 1 2021
29 Хворостяная А. С. Strategizing of Light Industry and Fashion Businesses in the Emerging-market countries 1 1 2021