Volume 1, Issue 2, 2021
Over its 300-year history, the Kuzbass Region has become one of the strongest industrial and coal mining areas. However, new environmental requirements stipulated by the Paris Agreement and the EU Energy Strategy require a new diversified and innovative economy, i.e. comfortable conditions for people to live and do business. The Strategy for Socio-Economic Development of Kuzbass through 2035 was approved by Regional Law No. 163‑OS on December 23, 2020. The Strategy covers human capital, ecology, reclamation water resources, digitalization, economy, investment, tourism, exhibitions, etc. All these aspects are highlighted in the monographs of the Strategy of the Kuzbass Region. The publications prove that a long-term strategy should combine traditional and novel competitive advantages of the region, which include hydrogen cluster, transport infrastructure, digitalization of business and other spheres, better environmental conditions, forest and land reclamation, sustainable use of water resources, as well as the importance of rebranding the region on the domestic and international arena.
New production technologies create more opportunities to meet people’s needs. However, they inevitably increase the antropogenic load on the environment. Therefore, the social conditions of industrial production have to be changed in such a way as to use the new technologies to solve the emerging problems without aggravating them. One option is to increase the knowledge intensity of production, which means that specific weight of knowledge should be embodied in the production and dominate the material costs. Another option is to replace human functions by automated production means. However, the current social production conditions concentrate new technological opportunities on the production and sales growth, which further increases consumption and the volume of absorbed natural resources. Consumption also grows due to the false needs imposed on consumers. Knowledge-intensive production creates prerequisites for the transition to the second generation industrial society, but this transition alone cannot solve the numerous global problems. The only solution is to replace the current economic criteria of production and consumption with those based on reason and culture, i.e. noonomy, which is a non-economic way of satisfying people’s needs. The roadmap towards noonomy should be a consciously managed strategic project based of the concept of strategizing developed by Professor V.L. Kvint.
In 2021, Uzbekistan finishes the implementation of the Strategic Roadmap for the development of the country in five socio-economic priority areas. The strategy proved to be a valuable experience in short-, medium-, and long-term strategizing at the national, regional, and industrial levels. The Strategic Roadmap can serve as a model for other post-Soviet countries because it is an excellent example of how to use potential capabilities and competitive advantages to modernize all socio-economic processes.
The present research featured various ways to increase the investment attractiveness of regions, realize the potential of their development strategies, and assess the resource provision of their strategic priorities. The limited resources and ever-growing interregional competition mean that regions strive to increase their competitiveness and attract the missing resources. The paper introduces a new approach to the problem: the factors of economic development of regions should be divided into basic and mobile. These two groups are to be analyzed for the level of provision of the regional strategic development. Such approach can help local authorities to attract resources and implement the sustainability of the regional strategy, thus increasing the local strategic investment attractiveness and improving the quality of life in the region. Regional governments should select priorities that have a high potential for attracting mobile resources from other regions. The paper also contains an algorithm for analyzing the resource provision of strategic priorities.
Modern media has transformed into a full-fledged industry, embedded in the national economy and inextricably linked with other industries. The strong dependence between the main economic indicators of the media industry and macroeconomic indicators determines the importance of a long-term media strategy. A successful strategy of media system development may improve the national economy and ensure social prosperity in the sense of Aristotelian eudaimonia. The research objective was to develop a new methodology for media strategizing with its mission, values, objectives, and strategic priorities. The study was based on strategy theory, media theory, mathematical economics, econometric methods of strategic media monitoring, and a new method of game-theoretic models of the three-sided market. The object of strategizing was a complex multi-level environment formed by media institutions in their interaction with each other and society, media market, infrastructure, manufacturers, developers, and distributors. The Russian media system was subjected to a primary OTSW analysis, which revealed five priorities. The author developed a quantitative assessment methodology for each priority. The research is a foundation for a separate interdisciplinary discipline “Theory of Media Strategy”.
Introduction. Industrial tourism is a niche tourism area that combines a unique emotional experience, educational functionality, and cultural and historical component in a single tourist product. Government and business have realized the strategic importance of industrial tourism. Together with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), they are implementing comprehensive programs for the development of industrial tourism in regions with significant industrial heritage. Study objects and methods. The present research was based on the theory of strategy and methodology of strategizing developed by Professor V.L. Kvint. The authors performed an in-depth analysis of the competitive advantages and resource provision of the regions that signed an agreement with the ASI. Various economic, social, and other reasons force regional authorities to develop industrial tourism. However, unjustified development of industrial tourism may diffuse the limited regional, municipal, or company budgets. Results and discussion. Statistical indicators and strategic documents showed that the regions under discussion have certain industrial potential for the development of this type of tourism. However, poor transport infrastructure, transport accessibility, and tourist infrastructure reduce the chances to diversify the local economy through industrial tourism. Conclusion. Not all regions that have the ASI agreement have sufficient competitive advantages and resources for this strategic opportunity. New members must undergo a strategic analysis of the competitive advantages and priority directions. Regions with good competitive advantages should develop a special program or a strategy for the development of industrial tourism.
Introduction. The present article forecasts the organizational, economic, and strategic aspects of the multifunctional forestry capitalization in the Kemerovo region aka Kuzbass. The authors analyzed the current Russian laws in order to answer the following question: is multi-purpose forest utilization able to ensure the rights and interests of all its participants, while providing legal means to resolve various related issues? Study objects and methods. The research featured the legal norms in the field of forest, wildlife, and subsoil utilization. The authors assessed their ability to guarantee sustainable use of natural resources while protecting the rights and legitimate interests of forest users. The study was based on general standard methods of cognition and special legal methods. Results and discussion. Hunting is regulated by hunting sector agreements. The Forest Code and the Hunting Law of the Russian Federation do not prohibit or restrict other types of forest utilization of hunting grounds. Most Western European countries link land ownership to hunting rights, which makes landowners liable for damage caused by hunting and obliged to protect the local fauna. Conclusion. Russian legislation does not provide for direct conciliation and compensation mechanisms in cases a part of hunting ground is used for other purposes, e.g. mining. Russian legislation needs legal termination procedures for hunting sector agreements and compensation rules in case a land plot was seized from hunting providers for subsoil use.
Introduction. As a rule, strategic plans use the potential plant capacity to adapt the enterprise to adverse conditions, and these plans require constant adjustment. Strategic plans that rely on insufficient information about pant capacity may result in significant financial losses for the company. The research objective was to develop a principle for diagnosing sustainable growth based on potential capacity. Study objects and methods. The research featured three metallurgical enterprises, since metallurgy is of strategic importance for the domestic industrial development. The study involved such standard methods as system and situational analysis, expert assessments, correlation analysis, regression analysis, topological analysis, and statistical simulation. Results and discussion. The authors proposed an algorithm for calculating three types of potential capacity indicators: relative added value and revenue (y1), situational potential (y2) and performance (y3). The new methods made it possible to forecast the indicators of sustainable development and compare the mode of operation with standard value, i.e. the length of the estimated vector, which exceeded or equaled a certain fraction of its maximum possible value. If the vector length was less than this value, the stability started to decrease. The performance indicator demonstrated if the enterprise reached the maximal value of the indicator when it exceeded the boundary of the sustainability standard. Conclusion. The new approach provided a prompt assessment and forecast of the potential plan capacity. It could improve the forecast of potential instability, increase the flexibility of strategic plans, and prevent strategic shock.
The article introduces a new system of boreal forest management that aims at preserving the biodiversity, resources, and ecological potential. The research results can help to develop regional strategies for large forest regions that experience significant man-made impact. Antropogenic factors destroy the resource potential of forests, as well as their biological diversity, not to mention the hydrological regime of rivers. The paper features various measures that make it possible to avoid risks and ensure sustainable long-term use of forests.
ntroduction. The socio-economic development of the Russian Far East is one of the most important strategic directions of Russia, corresponding to the national interests and development vector. For this vector to be transmitted to the regional and sectoral level, it needs strategic opportunities, relevant in the context of multiple trends and limited resource base. Energy security includes reliable energy consumption and efficiency. It ensures the socio-economic progress of developing economies and emerging-market countries. The Russian Far East has accumulated enough scientific, technical, industrial, and production potential to use gas industry as a long-term driver of socio-economic development. The research objective was to analyze and systematize the main interest groups focused on the development of gas industry in the Russian Far East. Study objects and methods. The study was based on the theory of strategy and the methodology of strategizing developed by Professor V.L. Kvint, as well as on authentic methods of industrial strategizing. Results and discussion. The article introduces a concept scheme that illustrates the relationship between regional and sectoral gas strategies of the Russian Far East, as well as their place in the general system of strategies. The author systematized the main national, social, regional, industrial, corporate, and international interests. The analysis confirmed the long-term interest of the gas industry in the Far Eastern Federal District at each of these levels. Conclusion. In the Russian Far East, gas industry will establish strong vertical and horizontal relationships in the system of strategies, thus producing a multiplicative effect on the socio-economic development of the whole Far Eastern Federal District and its regions.
Introduction. In the 1960s, the USSR and the United States raced not only in the sphere of arms and space exploration, but also in various socio-economic spheres, including advanced automated management systems in the field of economics, which treated economy as a single object of management. Study objects and methods. The present research involved declassified archival documents, as well as domestic and foreign works on automated control systems (ACS). Results and discussion. The authors analyzed the fundamental goals and objectives set by the leaders of the two superpowers, focusing on the nationwide automated processing and control systems (NAPCS), their operation principles, and the reasons behind their failure. They compared NAPCS with alternative systems, e.g. ACS-70, ACS-80, the system of the Kuntsevo radio engineering plant, ARPANET, etc., as well as with modern systems that were based on the Soviet heritage. Conclusion. Apparently, the USSR won the first part of the ACS race, but the project failed, and the USA with its ARPANET (1969) became the undisputed leader. However, most contemporary Russian situation centers are based on the Soviet studies.
Globalization triggered a number of socio-economic transformations in the regions of Russia. These processes require new approaches to determine any long-term prospects. Only progressive methods of long-term strategy and careful strategic prioritizing can improve the quality of life of people in the regions. Most regions have already gained certain experience of strategizing, but the programs have a limited implementation potential. However, some positive examples may help to adjust or revise the development strategies in other regions.