Volume 4, Issue 4, 2024
aches to agglomeration development often fail to meet the principles and rules of strategizing. The article describes the open diffuse agglomeration as a new approach that complies with the general theory of strategy and methodology of strategizing: it is innovative, asymmetric, and competitive in terms of time factor. The research relied on the system-structural approach and the theories of dirigisme and spatial diffusion of innovations. The author appealed to the general theory of strategy and the methodology of strategizing developed by Professor V. L. Kvint. An open agglomeration means that it covers all or most settlements in the region. As a result, the entire region is integrated into one or several agglomerations. This approach engages all municipalities into the agglomeration process, thus preventing spatial inequality. In addition, it structures the processes of strategic and tactical management, settling, migration, housing construction, and infrastructural development. A diffuse agglomeration means that it uses the mechanisms of active internal interaction to spread positive growth impulses from the center to the periphery, i.e., diffusion of innovations, demand, business activity, etc. The strategizing of an open diffuse agglomeration requires a preliminary assessment stage. The analysis of values and interests provides a relevant set of forecasts to scan the windows of opportunity of the external environment.
Regions to participate in integrated development programs can be strategically prioritized. In this study, a review of global best practices made it possible to design a model of territorial development with its basic and strategic quantitative parameters. The model parameters included average annual working population, average gross regional product per citizen, total residential area per citizen, volume of construction activity, number of residential buildings commissioned, number of broadband Internet users per 100 population, working urban and rural residents, etc. The author applied these rating indicators to eight federal districts in order to identify first priority areas for integrated development. The article also contains some general conclusions on the territorial development in the Russian Federation.
Modern businesses have to be adaptable, innovative, and strategically focused on long-term prospects. Innovations allow companies to adapt to the rapid economic changes in the context of digitalization and global competition. Innovative development depends on employees who are ready for continuous learning and search for new solutions. In this regard, an innovative enterprise requires an effective system of strategic motivation that reveals the labor potential of its staff and encourages their active participation in innovations. The article describes the strategic motivation system as part of an innovative business. The authors studied the most relevant definitions of strategic motivation, analyzed the impact of strategic motivation on labor activity, and identified the basic development principles for an effective strategic motivation system. This research relied on the theory of strategy and the methodology of strategizing developed by Professor V. L. Kvint. It also featured a comprehensive review of scientific publications on strategic motivation in innovative development. The article introduces an authentic interpretation of innovative strategic motivation, its principles, and an assessment scale, as well as means of increasing personnel involvement. An efficient strategic motivation system encourages the innovative activity of employees, as well as increases their professional skills, performance, and labor potential, which ultimately improves the strategic results of an innovative company.
The creative industry is becoming a key factor in strategic development. The article describes strategic opportunities and threats for creative industry businesses across Russia, as well as their impact on economic growth. The author used the method of statistical analysis to examine the export of creative goods and services and assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the creative sector. The research relied on the theory of strategy and the methodology of strategizing developed by Professor Vladimir L. Kvint. The USA and China are leaders in the export of creative goods. Russia demonstrates very slow growth, which is associated with external shocks and sanctions. The current strategic trends include export structure diversification and IT sector growth. To gain competitive advantage, domestic creative businesses need state support for human capital and project development, e.g., technology transfer centers, startup support, etc.
The article describes the strategizing prospects for Russia’s technological sovereignty in the sphere of mechanical engineering. The authors used the methodology of strategizing developed by Professor V. L. Kvint to identify the problem field of industrial development and design an OTSW matrix of strategic analysis. The approach made it possible to define the key priorities in the strategic management system to ensure Russia’s technological independence in mechanical engineering. First, production and academia should unite to solve the problem of qualifications and competencies. Second, digital technologies are to form a consolidating system of digital management of technology development and implementation. The system will provide knowledge management, platform solutions, and expert-machine decision support. Eventually, it will diversify the tools of technological development and implementation, thus leading to public-private partnerships, strategic cooperation, and foreign investments that will fund further R&D projects. These priorities are comprehensive elements in the strategy for ensuring the technological independence of mechanical engineering in Russia. They are bound for success on the way to help the domestic mechanical engineering to cope with the current economic challenges.
The priorities and prospects for the development of the construction industry in Russia depend on a set of strategic documents. The domestic construction industry is a promising area because the state needs to update and improve the housing stock. However, the current market instability indicates many potential risks. In this context, the strategy for the development of the construction industry becomes a priority because certain problem areas make it neither perfect nor effective: the construction industry requires strict state control and a new, unified pattern for strategic decisions. To date, the industry lacks systematic financing programs, which aggravates the situation as medium-sized construction businesses are gradually losing their positions, giving way to large companies. The construction industry has always been the most important element of the national economic system and the key engine of the Russian economy. However, it has accumulated negative phenomena that threaten its strategic development potential. In this regard, the industry needs basic strategic documents aimed at improving the standard and quality of life by providing affordable but high-quality housing. The article describes the opportunities and threats as the basis of the development strategy for the construction industry in Russia, as well as proposes a number of strategic directions that could improve the system of strategic documents.
Navoi Mining and Smelting Works, Uzbekistan, is one of the four largest gold miners in the world. Over its 65 years of history, the company has developed from an industrial pioneer to a full cycle of gold production. These days, it performs innovative exploration as well as produces finest products of the highest quality. On January 1, 2022, the company initiated an intensive large-scale transformation to shift to the principles of modern corporate management. This article examines the initial results of implementing new strategic principles at Navoi Mining and Smelting Works. The author defined the phenomenon of corporate management and its effect on business growth and development, followed by a case study of corporate management at Navoi Mining and Smelting Works. Its strategic principles and results were compared with those reported by Top 10 mining companies in the world.
The growing importance of knowledge as a production factor in the early XX century led to the development of knowledge-intensive economy. Further research yielded the concepts of knowledge capital and knowledge potential. The current shift to knowledge-intensive economy also affects traditional industries, where knowledge is becoming a key competitive factor. The present research relied on the theory of strategy and the methodology of strategizing developed by Professor V.L. Kvint. The paper describes the main stages and elements of strategizing the knowledge potential. The author reviewed the concepts of human capital, knowledge capital, and knowledge potential defined by J. Schumpeter, F. Hayek, E. Phelps, O. Williamson, J.K. Galbraith, S. Kuznets, T. Schultz, G. Becker, T. Stewart, and V.L. Makarov to trace the existing approaches to the economic role of knowledge as a key economic resource. A number of case studies made it possible to visualize the concepts of knowledge potential, knowledge capital, and knowledge strategizing. The resulting stages of knowledge potential strategy covered the main trends, strategic interests, and opportunities. The strategizing of knowledge potential demonstrated a number of peculiarities, e.g., the explicit social nature of strategic interests. An efficient strategy for knowledge potential development should reflect the interests of all stakeholders because some of these interests may cancel each other.