ISSN 2782-2435 (Print),
ISSN 2782-2621 (Online)
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Search results: 8 articles
Search string: personal investment route
Authors Title Volume Issue Year
1 Морозов А. А. , Тищенко Е. Б, Славянцев М. В. Strategizing Fund Raising in Data Economy 4 3 2024
2 Глазьев С. Ю. Supplementing the System of Strategic Planning with Funding Sources 3 3 2023
3 Вартанов С. А., Хворостяная А. С. Personal Brand Strategizing in Digital Mediatization: Game-Theoretic and Behavioral Approaches 3 2 2023
4 Кочербаева А. А. , Калпаева З. А. Strategic Analysis of the Construction Industry in Kyrgyzstan 2 2 2022
5 Никоноров С. М., Папенов К. В. , Талавринов В. А. Business Transition to ESG-Strategies: Innovative Approaches in Russian and International Experience 2 1 2022
6 Алимурадов М. К. Interregional Competition for Strategic Economic Factors 1 2 2021
7 Бодрунов С. Д. Noonomy as a Strategical Project 1 2 2021
8 Астапов К. Л. Kuzbass Economy: Regional Digital Platforms as a Modernization Strategy 1 1 2021