ISSN 2782-2435 (Print),
ISSN 2782-2621 (Online)

Strategic Approaches to IT Sector Development in the Russian Federation

The domestic IT sector needs new strategic approaches to form the national technological foundation for the Russian IT industry that would fulfil the tasks of national security, import substitution, and technological sovereignty. The authors analyzed federal documents on strategic planning that control the Russian IT sector. The industrial disunity of these documents proved to be a major problem: it resulted in a segmented approach to supporting the IT development. The current instruments of state support are governed by the stimulating approach to the IT sector as a whole and its areas. In the current conditions, this measure is not enough to resolve the problems related to the development of domestic IT products and services. Based on the current situation analysis and the problems identified, the author proposed a new strategic approach to the IT sector development. It aims at designing a single complex strategy that covers all industries of the Russian IT sector. As a result, the state support system should move from its current stimulating paradigm to a program-targeted one.
IT sector, IT industry, information technology, technological sovereignty, import substitution, government support, strategy, strategizing
The research was supported by RSF (project No. 23-78-01236).
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How to quote?
Pankratov AA, Musaev RA. Strategic Approaches to IT Sector Development in the Russian Federation. Strategizing: Theory and Practice. 2025;5(1):38–55. (In Russ.)
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