ISSN 2782-2435 (Print),
ISSN 2782-2621 (Online)

Cognitive and Regional Identity as a Basis for Strategizing Innovative Academic Activities of Higher Education

The authors analyzed the key categories that form the cognitive foundations of the strategizing management and promoting innovative academic activities at the Kemerovo State University as part of Regional Development Strategy 2035 and Kuzbass Strategy 2071. The article introduces the challenges of systemic and functional problems of higher education caused by the rapid socio-economic changes in the digital economy. The authors focused on the impact of digitalization on professional migration and innovation centers. It is noted that regional clusters of innovative development today form unique models of interaction between the efforts of government – business – science in the development of new promising sectors of diversification of the raw economy.
strategizing tactics, strategic initiative, higher education management strategy, integration of education and business community, innovative academic activity
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How to quote?
Prosekov AYu, Gritskevich TI, Leukhova MG. Cognitive and Regional Identity as a Basis for Strategizing Innovative Academic Activities of Higher Education. Strategizing: Theory and Practice. 2022;2(3):304–318. (In Russ.)
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