ISSN 2782-2435 (Print),
ISSN 2782-2621 (Online)

Volume 2, Issue 2, 2022

Sustainable socio-economic development of St. Petersburg needs a new transport system that would match the current innovative community-oriented economy in competitive high-quality transport services. The issue is of particular relevance in the unstable conditions of economy and foreign policy. The main task of the St. Petersburg Metro is to ensure the transport connection in areas with heavy passenger flows between peripheral areas and the city center. The sustainable development of the St. Petersburg Metro can improve the urban transport system and the socio-economic situation in the entire region. The article describes the practical application of the theory of strategizing developed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor V.L. Kvint. It introduces the sequence of actions in the process of developing long-term strategy for the St. Petersburg Metro. The authors studied previously implemented strategies and performed an OTSW analysis. The proposed methodological approaches made it possible to formulate a mission and a vision, substantiate the most important strategic priorities, and identify competitive advantages, as well as to determine strategic goals, objectives, and indicators that correspond with the planning horizon through 2035.
The article deals with the Russian mineral resource complex, the current carbon neutrality trend in the world economy, and the current development of the petrochemical industry. The adaptation of the Russian economy to the global energy transition requires new approaches to the strategizing of the mineral resource complex industries as a foundation for sustainable economy in Russia. The paper introduces the main competitive advantages of the mineral resource complex and its branches. The research methods included the theory of macroeconomics and the OTSW-analysis, which revealed opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses of the domestic mineral resource complex. The author analyzed various inertial and intensive scenarios of energy transfer and their impact on the competitiveness and sustainable growth of the Russian economy. The study also focused on the strategic opportunities for the mineral resource complex development and the annual economic effect of the new strategy. The strategizing should be based on the global carbon neutrality trend because mineral raw materials are not renewable. Strategizing of the mineral resource complex will ensure a high level of technological development and competitiveness of the Russian economy, as well as increase the export and the gross domestic product.
This article discusses company strategies. In strategic management, a strategy is a long-term qualitative direction that the company develops to achieve its goals. Basically, a strategy is what companies should do to achieve their goals in an unstable and competitive environment. The strategic analysis assesses the current and future state of the organization and determines its strategic choices. The present research featured the construction industry in the Kyrgyz Republic. It relied on Professor V.L. Kvint’s theory of strategizing in the economic system. In modern conditions, construction business requires a proper development strategy to adopt new innovative solutions that allow construction companies to reach a new level of quality. Construction companies can develop strategies based on the specific characteristics of their products. Business requires investments. On the one hand, the investment complex is a self-sufficient reproductive system. On the other hand, it is an integral part of a much larger system, i.e., the state. The research revealed no single methodology for selecting and implementing particular types of strategic analysis because each construction company is unique. Managers must have a clear vision of all aspects of the long-term development. Strategies are often limited to option-specific commitments, so decisions need to be considered and evaluated very carefully.
Choosing the appropriate elements and stages of a regional financial strategy is an important scientific and methodological task. According to the theory of strategy and the methodology of strategizing, this aspect is also important for regional financial systems. In the context of limited resources and intense inter-regional competition, a regional financial strategy should be consistent with higher-level strategies and attract financial resources to implement the local strategic priorities. The theory of strategy and strategizing methodology developed by Professor V.L. Kvint can be applied to regional financial strategies. The article features philosophical foundations of the strategy: values, elements, stages, stakeholders, and their relationship in the process of regional financial strategizing.
Introduction. Stability of financial systems has become the most important issue of economic strategizing as a result of geopolitics, global economic crisis, and pandemics, which affect regions and the state as a whole. Financial security is now the current strategic priority of socio-economic development. Study objects and methods. The present research featured Kuzbass as an example of industrial region and its financial security as a strategic characteristic of the financial system. The study of financial security relied on a systematic approach based on the dialectical perception of reality. The empirical research relied on statistical methods, analysis of existing knowledge systems, economic monitoring, etc. The resulting abstract system and theoretical generalizations made it possible to define the strategic priorities of the regional development. In economics, the consistency principle takes into account the territorial features of socio-economic systems; the specifics of natural, economic, technical, and other factors; the degree of its political, administrative, and economic independence; its interaction with other regions, etc. Results and discussion. The phenomenon of financial security of the region is considered as an element of strategic management of socio-economic development. The author determined and classified the essential characteristics of financial security to make up a scheme of formation and development of financial risk as an element of the system of strategic priorities. Within this scheme, inflation and unemployment are additional aggregate criteria for assessing the level of financial security. Conclusion. New systemic threats in the field of finance require new ways to optimize financial relations and develop a theoretical and methodological foundation for qualitative and quantitative assessments of financial security. Numerous studies focus on various aspects of financial security in order to explain the interrelations of the financial bloc with economic elements in the regions, in Russia, and abroad. These relationships define the methodology for assessing the level of financial security and its subsequent consideration in strategizing. The present research compared a set of criteria with their threshold levels. However, these estimates may grow less reliable following the changes in the significance and priority of the corresponding criteria in the unstable economic and political reality. The new conditions require mobility and flexibility in adapting these criteria to the conditions of a particular region. This strategic project can be designed and implemented based on Professor V.L. Kvint’s concept of strategizing.
Introduction. Youth projects become especially important in a situation of uncertainty since they create the country’s development potential. New leaders should be focused not only on their own well-being, but also on that of others. Therefore, the value orientations of youth leaders are of highest significance for strategizing. Study objects and methods. The present research featured the value orientations that leaders choose for the effective implementation of youth projects. The study was based on the theory of strategizing introduced by Professor Vladimir Kvint, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. His strategic thinking methodology was used to perform a systematic analysis of the value orientations in the leaders of the National University Laboratories of Sustainable Development and Environmental Safety Project of the Russian Federation. Results and discussions. If leadership is a value-oriented quality, then a leader’s strategy should be based on objective values and ideals that define the leader’s choice. The value priorities of the youth project leader should take into account the values of society, the state, the region, and the team, its main goal being life-quality improvement. The proposed national system of university laboratories can develop effective value attitudes in its leaders. The project is carried out at the Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University; it has been tested at various conferences, the public feedback was included in the annual Public Resolution on Environmental Protection and Development of the Russian Federation of the XII International Environmental Forum 2021. Conclusion. The national system of research and academic laboratories is capable of forming value-ecological and socially responsible leaders in different activity spheres on the global, national, regional, industrial, and corporate levels.
Human resources management of innovative economic development creates conditions that activate innovative processes in all industries and spheres. The article contains a list of global trends that form these conditions. The trends usually depend on the digitalization and transformation of modern business models based on the ecosystem approach. For each trend, university education has the key role in staffing support.
Introduction. The strategy for the transition to a new level of technological development of the economy is aimed at accelerating innovations and increasing competitiveness. New opportunities for technological development form a favorable environment that promotes economic growth by introducing energy-efficient and resource-saving industrial technologies, technical re-equipment, and production modernization. Study objects and methods. The present research featured the technological development of the economy. The study relied on the theory and methodology of the strategizing developed by Professor V.L. Kvint. The methods included generalization, synthesis, criteria analysis, and causal method. Results and discussion. The article describes the chronological sequence of evolutionary development of technologies while focusing on how scientific and technical progress boosted the dynamics of production changes. Effective strategic planning tools guarantee prompt management decisions aimed at solving various strategic production and non-productive tasks. Technological road maps are an especially useful tool: they describe both the main result of innovation and the process of long-term planning, combined with the specifics of the choice, transfer, introduction, and industrial development of technologies. Conclusion. The analysis performed made it possible to identify and substantiate the strategic capabilities and priorities of the technological development of Russian economy. The obtained results can help to determine the strategic tasks of bringing domestic economy to a new level of technological development.
The Russian economy is currently experiencing major transformations. Under these conditions, the issues of research advancement, technological development, and import substitutions are relevant both at the federal and regional levels. The present research featured some theoretical aspects of developing a new strategy for the scientific and technological advancement of the Tatarstan Republic, as well as the main tools and directions of its implementation. The article introduces the main trends that must be taken into account and the opportunities, threats and risks that take place in the real economy of the Republic of Tatarstan. The obtained results can be of practical use for specialists involved in strategy development.