ISSN 2782-2435 (Print),
ISSN 2782-2621 (Online)

Digital Transformation of Public Administration as a Strategic Public Value

The author used the general theory of strategy and methodology of strategizing to interpret the digital transformation of public administration. He described the digital transformation of public administration as a public value with a strategic perspective of national economic growth that will eventually improve the standard of living and the welfare of citizens. The research combined theory and practice with the achievements of different economic strategy schools. The author tested the digital public administration using Professor Vladimir Kvint’s methodology of strategic thinking and activity and the Gostekh digital platform. The author also applied the Clark-Groves mechanism to urban environment as a tool for selecting public projects. The scientific and applied nature of the research made it possible to determine the strategic perspective for the digitalization of public administration as a means of selecting landscape objects and public territories for landscaping via online voting.
digital transformation, public administration, strategy, strategizing, strategic management, public value, public sector economics, Clark-Groves mechanism
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How to quote?
Nazarenko TS, Novikova IV. Digital Transformation of Public Administration as a Strategic Public Value. Strategizing: Theory and Practice. 2023;3(2):140–157. (In Russ.) 
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