ISSN 2782-2435 (Print),
ISSN 2782-2621 (Online)

Sectoral Innovation Policy as a Set of Strategic Tools and Mechanisms of Innovative Development

The article considers methodical approaches to the development and implementation of innovation policy in Russia. It introduces an analysis of the current state of domestic sectoral innovation policy, its regulatory and legal framework, levels, institutions, criteria, and performance indicators. The author believes that the low innovation activity of economic agents in Russia is caused by the poor theory and methodology of innovation policy, which also affects the innovative potential of the domestic economy. The current sectoral mechanisms of support and implementation of innovative solutions is also ineffective. The author reviewed available publications on innovation policy and various strategic documents, as well as analyzed the foreign experience of sectoral innovation policy. The paper also contains a diachronic analysis of the innovation policy in Russia. The author developed a matrix approach to innovation policy mechanisms in terms of levels, strategic perspectives, and implementation. This simple and visual three-vector matrix provides an efficient analysis of mechanisms of sectoral innovation policy.
sectoral innovation policy, innovative development, innovative activity, mechanisms of innovative development, innovative economic development strategies
The study was part of research project Transfer of Technologies in the Innovation Economy (branch approach), State Task No. 2-ГЗ-2020.
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How to quote?
Pyataeva OA. Sectoral Innovation Policy as a Set of Strategic Tools and Mechanisms of Innovative Development.Strategizing: Theory and Practice. 2022;2(3):421–442. (In Russ.)
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