ISSN 2782-2435 (Print),
ISSN 2782-2621 (Online)

Elements and Stages of Regional Financial Strategies Development

Choosing the appropriate elements and stages of a regional financial strategy is an important scientific and methodological task. According to the theory of strategy and the methodology of strategizing, this aspect is also important for regional financial systems. In the context of limited resources and intense inter-regional competition, a regional financial strategy should be consistent with higher-level strategies and attract financial resources to implement the local strategic priorities. The theory of strategy and strategizing methodology developed by Professor V.L. Kvint can be applied to regional financial strategies. The article features philosophical foundations of the strategy: values, elements, stages, stakeholders, and their relationship in the process of regional financial strategizing.
strategizing, regional financial strategies, regional strategic financial priorities, values, interests
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How to quote?
Alimuradov MK. Elements and Stages of Regional Financial Strategies Development. Strategizing: Theory and Practice. 2022;2(2):199–211. (In Russ.)
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