ISSN 2782-2435 (Print),
ISSN 2782-2621 (Online)

Strategizing the Mineral Resource Complex in Russia

The article deals with the Russian mineral resource complex, the current carbon neutrality trend in the world economy, and the current development of the petrochemical industry. The adaptation of the Russian economy to the global energy transition requires new approaches to the strategizing of the mineral resource complex industries as a foundation for sustainable economy in Russia. The paper introduces the main competitive advantages of the mineral resource complex and its branches. The research methods included the theory of macroeconomics and the OTSW-analysis, which revealed opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses of the domestic mineral resource complex. The author analyzed various inertial and intensive scenarios of energy transfer and their impact on the competitiveness and sustainable growth of the Russian economy. The study also focused on the strategic opportunities for the mineral resource complex development and the annual economic effect of the new strategy. The strategizing should be based on the global carbon neutrality trend because mineral raw materials are not renewable. Strategizing of the mineral resource complex will ensure a high level of technological development and competitiveness of the Russian economy, as well as increase the export and the gross domestic product.
strategy, strategizing, mineral resource complex, oil industry, gas industry, coal industry, OTSW-analysis
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How to quote?
Galiev ZhK, Galieva NV. Strategizing the Mineral Resource Complex in Russia. Strategizing: Theory and Practice. 2022;2(2):174–185. (In Russ.)
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